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Everything you need to know about Selma

Sonja Egger
by: Sonja Egger1 min read

Ever wondered what Selma is all about? Good news - Patrik Schär, CEO of Selma Finance, answers the 8 most important questions about everything you need to know about Selma in (almost) 3 minutes.

In this video Patrik answers the most common questions about Selma

- For whom is Selma?

- How does Selma invest my money?

- How does Selma manage my money?

- How safe is Selma?

- How much effort does Selma take?

- What return can I expect?

- How expensive is Selma?

- What is my benefit?

Check it out and get to know Selma better. 😊
Already decided you want to join Selma? Here you can find the account creation.

About the author
Sonja Egger

Sonja Egger

Sonja is a communication pro with background in Media and Intercultural Communication. She is here with the mission to keep your content varied, interesting and enjoyable. Outside of working hours Sonja is either swinging the paint brush or watching cat videos. 😺
