Open Selma
Look behind the scenes and join Selma's contributor community. The community helps shape Selma and makes sure we build something people want. You can take part in Selma's journey!
Sign up for the communityInvesting shouldn't be a blackbox
Join Selma's contributor community
Sign up as a contributorIn Selma's forum-like community you get to be part of the product development process! Add your wishes, share feedback, and take part in surveys and interviews to improve the Selma apps. Discuss investing topics with other community members and interact with the Selma team.
Follow Selma's Open Roadmap
Check out roadmapAre you interested to see what Selma is currently working on and what upcoming features might be like? Head on over to Selma's Open Roadmap. Everything you see there can also be discussed in Selma's contributor community! Get involved today 🤓