New look, same heart - Selma shines in a new style
Today Selma reveals its biggest style update since the founding of Selma. The new visual identity is meant to reflect the learning we had over the past 7 years and the maturing together with our customers and supporters.
Throughout the Selma journey, we received invaluable feedback from everyone involved and especially from you. Now is the right time to make it all come to life and present it to the world. The new design reflects who we are and what our mission is – make wealth management and financial advisory simple and accessible to everyone.
Designed to open the door to more possibilities
“Now as we are maturing with our customers we have come to a point where we are expanding our horizon as all-around financial advisor. Our drive to constantly improve and innovate in the dusty and conventional banking market has been ingrained into the new brand.” - Patrik, CEO of Selma
Reflecting the “friendly financial advisor for everyone” aspect has always been a main goal in our visual identity – but Selma is so much more than that. This new look opens the door to many more possibilities and differentiates us from the competition.
Shaping the brand together with you
We asked and you answered. Clients, readers, supporters and everyone involved at Selma got at some point in touch with one of our many surveys. It was your vital feedback that helped us shape the identity in the right direction. With your insights our visual identity gets a whole new look, from logo to colour palette, to photography and illustrations – you name it.
“Bringing ‘colour’ to this indeed conventional market is mirrored in our new identity. While our new logo holds a sense of simplicity with a touch of character, the colour palette mirrors our drive to be approachable and easy-going. All these details make us who we are and also who we aim to be.” – Stenly, Senior Marketing Designer and Project Lead
While this visual update does not affect you directly as a customer we hope you will like the new, fresh look on the website, within the product and social media channels that will appear within the next days and weeks.
Sonja Egger
Sonja is a communication pro with background in Media and Intercultural Communication. She is here with the mission to keep your content varied, interesting and enjoyable. Outside of working hours Sonja is either swinging the paint brush or watching cat videos. 😺