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Your personal deposit plan is here

Sonja Egger
by: Sonja Egger5 min read

No more wondering how to invest your savings! Selma's new deposit plan offers you a personalised, easy-to-follow plan on how to deposit money on your investment account.

A deposit plan that makes sense

Ever wondered how much you should invest from your savings? The new deposit plan offered by Selma takes your existing savings and recurring savings into account and recommends the perfect investment amount that matches your situation. The plan is transparent, easy-to-follow and makes investing easier, more cost-efficient and profitable over the long-run.

deposit plan shown on a mobile phone

No more timing the market

With the deposit plan, you no longer need to worry about timing the market. Depositing regularly balances out risks and costs. Follow your plan and stay profitable when investing long-term – without spending time worrying about the market.


One of many advantages of the deposit plan: It is an all-in-one solution. You get a detailed plan for depositing your already existing savings but Selma also takes into account your recurring monthly savings. This way you can make the most out of your investments.

deposit plan shown on a mobile phone - how to follow the deposit plan?

Try it now

The deposit plan is currently an exclusive offer to new Selma clients. You get your deposit plan as soon as you complete the onboarding via web app. You can try Selma – your personal finance assistant – for free and get your personal investment and deposit plan within minutes.

About the author
Sonja Egger

Sonja Egger

Sonja is a communication pro with background in Media and Intercultural Communication. She is here with the mission to keep your content varied, interesting and enjoyable. Outside of working hours Sonja is either swinging the paint brush or watching cat videos. 😺
